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Reference - COVID-19 Info - Wikipedia - Legal Forms - NoveList Plus - Dictionary & Thesaurus - IMDb
Local - First Call for Information (211) - Rapids Together Task Force - Daily Tribune - City Times - WRPS/Rapids Public Schools - MSTC - Mental Health & Substance Abuse Resources - Community Calendar - Weather - Other Local Links
Government: Voting (registration / absentee) - Wisconsin Rapids City - Wood County - State of Wisconsin - Wisconsin Statutes - Wisconsin Administrative Code - Job Center - Circuit Court Records - State Documents - Tax forms - Wisconsin - IRS
Elected Officials - Mayor Zacher - Wisconsin Rapids Common Council - Wisconsin Rapids City Officials Directory - County Board - Rep. Vander Meer (70th district) - Rep. Krug (72nd district) - Sen. Testin (24th district) - US Rep. Van Orden - US Sen. Johnson - US Sen. Baldwin - President Biden
COVID-19 |
McMillan Library wants our community to have the most accurate information about the COVID-19 pandemic. At the international, national, state and local level, these are the COVID-19 sites of health agencies, which other sources base their reports on. The Aspirus call center is available for anyone -- you don't have to be a current Aspirus patient or have insurance through an Aspirus-related plan.
Aspirus COVID-19 Call Center : 1-844-568-0701
Wood County Health Department Alerts / Wood County COVID-19 Dashboard
Portage County Health Department COVID-19 Data & Information Hub
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) / CDC Covid Data Tracker by County
World Health Organization (WHO)
Recommended Websites
- Job Center of Wisconsin - The state Job Service listing. Links to Wisconsin and some Midwest jobs in the private sector, searchable by geographic region or type of job. Job Seeker Registration (10:22): https://youtu.be/VikaHS5akCY
- WiscJobs (State of Wisconsin Employment Source).
- CareerOneStop - "Your source for career exploration, training & jobs" sponsored by the the U. S. Department of Labor
Online Resources
- Reference Solutions - Source of information on businesses that job seekers can use, like similar businesses and contact names. Free with your McMillan card.
- North Central Wisconsin Dislocated Worker Program - Helps individuals reenter the workforce after a layoff or business closure.
Services at McMillan Library
- Internet computers. High speed Internet and printers. We will help you obtain a free email account.
- Wireless Internet. Bring your laptop and enjoy the comfort and quiet of the Library.
- Word processing / resume computers. All of the Internet computers include MS Word/Office.
- Books and videos on job searching, interviews and resumes.
- Staff dedicated to assisting you.
Filing for Unemployment Benefits
Before you apply: Unemployment Insurance: Apply for UI Benefits Online
- How to Apply for Wisconsin Unemployment Benefits Online (6:20): https://youtu.be/FfHQKS-YmWI
- How to File a Weekly Claim Online for Wisconsin Unemployment Benefits (6:03): https://youtu.be/1aT_V_xHRWc
- Job Center of Wisconsin: Job Seeker Registration (10:22): https://youtu.be/VikaHS5akCY
- How to Create a Username and Password for Wisconsin UI Online Benefits Services (2:36): https://media.wisconsin.gov/
ui/ext/benefits/username_ (En Español)creation.htm - Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation - extended compensation for those whose regular unemployment insurance has ended
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance - for individuals not eligible for regular unemployment insurance