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[The following photos were taken by pioneer photographer H. H. Bennett as he accompanied the Arpin rafting operation in 1886. Additional comments and alternative versions of the photos below are from Arsene Louis Arpin's Mississippi Basin Pioneer. Alternative lithographs are from A Raftman's View of the Wisconsin River. Additional photographs are on Page 4.]
Wisconsin Raft - front-a-piece
Dog House - Hotel Lane
[Men turning out of bunks on the Cook Float. Mike Lane, the Cook, nearest man, just crawling out. Original damaged photo and engraving from another source]
Archie Young - Pilot
[Archie Young, Pilot and logging camp foreman for the Arpin Lumber Company. Zach Dugas, a cousin, in the background. Original damaged photo and engraving from another source]

River Scene Just Above Grand Rapids

Copy of this photograph from another source

Drinking After a Heavy Pull
[original damaged photo and lithograph from another source]
Working Off a Sandbar
[Handspiking (prying) off a sandbar. A heavy joint effort, all in a day's work. Original damaged photo and engraving from another source]

Putting Down the Grousers
[Original damaged photo and engraving from another source]
Running the Kilbourn Dam
[Shooting the Kilbourn Dam Rapids, with Mr. Bennett, photographer, as passenger. Name of pilot is unknown. Original damaged photo and engraving from another source]
The Camera's Story of Raftmen's Life on the Wisconsin,
The Crew [original damaged photograph and engraving from another source]

[Front row: Miles Daly, Corrigan, John (Jack) Starr, Jim Blow, Second row: Charles Oestrich, Jim Powers, Frank Brown, W.G. Gardner, Webster, Standing: Ed Welch, Levi (Lee) Ripley, Nels Dashneau, Jim Lynch, John Daly (bearded), Jim Aljoe, John Day, William Starr, Back row: Jim Brown, Pete Garseau, Joe Short and two unidentified men. (Engel)]